Art Specs - Set Your Artwork Up for Success

Young woman sitting cross-legged with her laptop smiles and gives a thumbs-up.

SUN’s Tips for Success!

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on art specs and how to set your artwork up for success! Whether you're a seasoned artist or a beginner delving into the world of printing and design, understanding the technical aspects of art specifications is vital to ensure your creations come to life just as you envisioned. So, let's dive in and unlock the secrets to creating print-ready masterpieces!


Preferred File Types

SUN Accepts a range of different formats

  • PDF (Portable Document Format)

  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

  • AI (Adobe Illustrator Files)

    • Make sure to outline all text & embed images

  • ID (Adobe InDesign Files)

    • Make sure to package file with links & fonts


  • For photography: high-resolution JPEGs (300 DPI)

  • For graphics or text: print-ready, vector-based PDFs

  • For a mix of graphics & photography: print-ready PDFs

Vector illustration of print and digital file types and formats.

Recommended File Sizes for Images and Photos

If you are uploading photography or non-vector artwork (e.g. JPEGs) please make sure they are 300dpi.



Ensure all important parts of your design are kept within a safe area. Make sure you’ve accounted for the ‘bleed’, when your artwork extends beyond the trim lines, in your design. To do this, extend any design elements .125” beyond the trim size on each side of the document



Check and edit colors. Colors should be in CMYK mode. For critical colors, please use a Pantone Color Bridge swatch.


Digital or Online Proofs

Digital proofs intend to show you the layout and design elements of your job, but cannot be a guarantee for color accuracy. For color-critical jobs please reach out to your customer service representative for a physical proof.